A glimpse of the past: Original cells remain at UC Jail

The Union County Sheriff’s Department Office and Jail has a rich history dating back to the 1870s when it was originally constructed.


Liberty Herald

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Paddock sweeps pat, Rebel invites

Sophomore Tanner Paddock won his hometown cross country invitational Tuesday, a few days after winning at Randolph Southern.

Benefit concert and community rally for Darell Smith

Darrell Smith, 30, of Liberty, was in a severe motorcycle accident on Bunker Hill in Connersville on July 14.

UCMS runners impressing

The Union County Middle School cross country team is growing this year. Last year, we had 5 boys and 5 girls, both teams just meeting the minimum team size to score as a team in the meets.

UCHS Senior shows school spirit with Community Service Project

Union County High School (UCHS) senior Rosalyn Spurlock, who transferred to UCHS from Jacksonville, Florida, last year, was seeking a meaningful community service project to fulfill her required service hours.

Secretary of State Morales visits Union County Clerk’s office

Secretary of State Diego Morales is continuing to visit several counties hand-delivering local Election Improvement Grants. Friday, Secretary Morales visited Union County.