Betty June Griffin, a cherished wife, devoted mother, beloved Nana, and affectionately known as "June Bug" by her older brother, passed away peacefully on November 17, 2023, surrounded by her daughters.
Patricia Van Winkle, age 92, passed over to her Heavenly Home on November 5, 2023, at Whitewater Commons in Liberty, where she had resided for three years.
Peggy Sue Johnson, age 61, of Brookville, died Monday, November 13, 2023 at the Brookville Healthcare Center in Brookville, following a brief battle with cancer.
William “Bill” Counceller, 78 of Liberty passed away on Sunday, November 5, 2023. He was born on September 22, 1945 in Connersville to the late Thomas Counceller Sr. and Laurel Mae Clark Counceller.
Donald L. Kelly passed away on Monday November 6, 2023, at Reid Healthcare in Richmond at the age of 75. Born in Richmond on May 21, 1948, he is the son of the late Harry D. and Martha C. LaMar Kelly.
Brandon L. Banks, 46, of Brookville, died Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at Ascension St. Vincent Hospital in Carmel, following complications from surgery.